Natural Retreats has a long history of providing a seamless vacation experience for both homeowners and guests alike. We are proud of our involvement in servicing homeowners at Silver Strike Lodge, and continue to work tirelessly to ensure you receive the personalized attention you deserve.
To reach the Silver Strike Lodge desk staff, please call (435) 333-6420 or email
If you have family or friends looking to join you during your Deer Valley vacation, you can view our rental properties at Silver Strike Lodge by clicking here.
For rates and availability, please call (435) 655-7006 or email
Several homeowners at Silver Strike Lodge have made the personal decision to work with Natural Retreats to generate revenue through the management of nightly rentals. Natural Retreats adheres to a “quality not quantity” philosophy that protects properties and maintains the highest nightly rates in the area. Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about our exclusive rental program contact Jeff Costello or visit us at:
Jeff Costello
(435) 647-6482